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序号 缩略语 定义(英文) 定义(中文)
1 BRMS Biologics Regulatory Management System 生物制品监管系统
2 BSA body surface area 体表面积
3 BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) 牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病)
4 BST bovine somatotropin 牛生长激素
5 BVC British Veterinary Codex 英国兽医药典
6 C & S culture and sensitivity 细菌培养和敏感测定
7 C of A certificate of analysis 分析证书
8 CA Chemical Abstracts 化学文摘
9 CAC Carcinogenicity Assessment Committee (CDER) 致癌性评估委员会 (CDER)
10 CACTIS Center ADP/TC Computer Tracking and Inventory System (CFSAN) 中心ADP/TC计算机跟踪及存储系统 (CFSAN)
11 caDSR Cancer Data Standards Repository (NCI) 癌症数据标准库 (NCI)
12 CAERS CFSAN Adverse Event Reporting System 食品安全和应用营养中心不良事件报告系统
13 CANDA computer assisted new drug application 计算机辅助的新药申请
14 CAP color additive petition 着色剂申请
15 CAPLA computer assisted product license application 计算机辅助的产品许可证的申请
16 CAPRA Canadian Association of Professional Regulatory Affairs 加拿大专业管理事务协会
17 CARS Compliance Achievement Reporting System 规范结果报告系统
18 CARTS CFSAN Automated Research Tracking System 食品安全与营养中心自动研究追踪系统
19 CAS Chemical Abstracts Service 化学文摘服务社
20 CASE computer aided software engineering 计算机辅助软件工程